Our Fully Refundable Booking Deposit
Why do we take a deposit before your session?
In order for us to get the best out of your photographic session there's a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes before you even step through our doors.
Depending on the experience you're visiting the studio for, each session requires a lot of preparation including reserving your time in our state of the art studios, prepping all of our specialist equipment, designing and planning your session so it’s bespoke to you and securing our time with our industry professionals including photographers, make up artists, digital artists and retouchers.
Your deposit not only secures your time in the studio with the professionals, it helps to keep the diary running smoothly for all customers - exactly like a busy restaurant or hotel. It shows that you're committed to the booking and gives the hotel or restaurant confidence that their costs will be partly covered if you don't show up.
When do you take the deposit?
Every online appointment made in our studios is subject to a fully refundable booking deposit payment. The payment is taken at the time of booking. Once booked, our diary team will call you within 48 hours (Tuesday to Saturday) to get further info, begin planning your session and let you know what to expect from us. They'll ensure you're happy with everything and give you the opportunity to ask any further questions.
When will I get my deposit back?
Your deposit will be refunded back onto your card once the experience has been completed in the viewing room or you can use the deposit towards anything else you may wish to purchase.
When would I lose my deposit?
By placing your deposit, you are committing to your agreed appointment date and time. Appointments can be re-arranged with at least five days notice. If you give late notice your deposit will be lost and you will be required to pay another to rebook. Canceling completely will forfeit the deposit, so you do need to complete the experience to have it refunded.
Any questions?
Simply call us on our main booking line 01926426677.